
My Role
Typeface Design
Motion Graphics
Project Type
Typeface Design
Casey Rowland
8 Weeks
About The Project
The inspiration behind Murality

I love graffiti. However, society has very controversial views on if it is beautification or destruction of property — moral principles.

My Goal

Reflect that our communities are made better because of the amazing work of graffiti and street artists.


In an art history class, I wrote a book about art movements, learning in the process.

Design Process

My end goal was to create a typeface that can be used in murals and be read from long distance.


My moodboard takes a lot of inspiration from brightly colored cities, like Wynwood, Miami.

Creating a Grid

I played around with taking up as much positive space as I could through organic shapes.

Sketching and Critiques

I found my favorite style slowly along with feedback from classmates.

Letter Sets

There is an outlined and solid version of Murality, so that there can be more variation to how it's used.

Letters and Glyphs
Typeface Design

Murality has solid and outlined characters which enables it to be used in different ways.

Character Information

Murality is made up of 56 characters, including numbers and glyphs.

Typeface in Use
Murality in Murals

Since it is big and bold, Murality can be read over large distances. This makes it a good typeface for murals and other large-scale projects.

What I Learned
Key Takeaways

I learned to trust the process and experiment with many different things until I find my own style.

Next steps

I would add more mockups to show my vision better!

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